
Solar Streetlight / Parklight

NOMO is dedicated LED luminaires that deliver a variety of efficient lumen per watt, packages with excellent optical performance NOMO gives the complete cost saving solution for street / Park lighting environments More ...

Street Lights, Solar Lighting and Photo Controls

Austeknis in conjunction with Kaga is proud to launch the new LED Street Light series, which is an excellent solution for traditional street light fixtures.

By combining emerging style and present technology, we can integrate solar energy with a chic, low power, low cost and environmentally friendly lighting solution.

One of the key features of LED is its ability to reduce power consumption and green house gas emissions by up to 50% when compared to traditional street lighting fixtures.

LED technology will last 100,000 hours before light output will start to diminish, which dramatically reduce maintenance costs.

For more information click on one of the categories below.

StreetlightsSolarControlsLinear LED